Posted by: a1admin | September 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Journ Along Travel Matching App

Exotic Limousine Inc. has always been in the fore-front of collaborating with other start-ups in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley. Maybe it be in the form of giving these Bay Area start ups discounted transportation or promoting our Bay Area businesses, we at Exotic Limousine Concord is all about supporting the local business of Northern California and the Bay Area. Our team has collaborated this team with a Travel Companion App start up called the JournAlong App (coming soon on iOS and Android) and a web app to connect people to find like minded people while travelling.

Party Bus Concord CA

JournAlong, A Travel Mate App, connects people based on similar interests and travel destinations. The users will also get the features of posting pictures to their story lines and even playing cool online games. Online gaming will be a unique feature on the app to allow to overcome the fear of starting a conversation. Travelers can accept each other’s requests and play online games with each other. When the JournAlong App team approached us to help them with corporate transportation, our team also offered to share their concept with our clients that are also travelers, sometimes to local destinations and at times to far distances like LA, San Diego, and Las Vegas. We believe that our customers can get connected with other cool travelers while they go on their trips. Don’t forget to subscribe yourself on the JournAlong website to win a free Party Bus Bay Area Trip on a Weekday from us and also you could enter to win a free Airfare to London from if you subscribe to get the App download link on the launch date.

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